Each day in math we will have our number of the day where we go over whether the number is even or odd, the expanded form, then tens and ones place, and finding the number on a number line.
This month in math we will be reviewing addition and subtraction number sentences. We will also be practicing writing our numbers to 100 and to 120. Extra PracticeA great way for your child to build their math skills is by practicing flash cards a few times a week. Flash cards can easily be made on paper, with index cards, or are available premade at the dollar store.
Simple addition and subtraction are the fundamental skills in which the rest of our learning in math will be built upon. Extra math practice resourcesIn class, we occasionally use the online program MobyMax to practice our math fact fluency.
The website is free to use and a great resource for practicing math at home or on the go. ( It is a downloadable app) https://www.mobymax.com/signin Fun Ways to Practice Math FactsFlashlight math. Use the flashcards and flip two cards at a time. Kids shine a flashlight on the one they know and answer that one
Play with dice: practice adding and subtracting using the numbers you roll on dice. Paint the answer. Water on cement or chalk on sidewalk or window crayon on window Play math bingo. Play War. Download math apps. Have a math scavenger hunt. |
There will be no formal math homework this year. Instead, students will only be assigned work that was not completed in class.
To access the practice homework pages, please click on the file provided for the lesson. Once you click on the file, the image of the homework will appear. From there, you can right click to print. |